
2021年5月4日—群晖Synology.分享;图集模式·看全部·返回版块.微信朋友圈;QQ好友;QQ空间...Nas文件多了,该清理了,一定少不了强大的ncdu!ncdu.python3ver ...,2024年4月27日—ThenIcreatedasharedfolderanddownloadedasynologydriveservertousethisfoldertosynchronizedatafrommycomputer.Onacomputer ...,2014年3月9日—CananyonerecommendwhereIcangetthisbinaryforanavaton-basedDS1815+?.Itriedtodownload.debfilesfromtheabove...

介绍几个群晖下超给力的linux 工具

2021年5月4日 — 群晖Synology. 分享; 图集模式 · 看全部 · 返回版块. 微信朋友圈; QQ好友; QQ空间 ... Nas文件多了, 该清理了, 一定少不了强大的ncdu! ncdu. python3 ver ...

Disk space is used 2.5 times more than file size

2024年4月27日 — Then I created a shared folder and downloaded a synology drive server to use this folder to synchronize data from my computer. On a computer ...

Install ncdu

2014年3月9日 — Can anyone recommend where I can get this binary for an avaton-based DS1815+?. I tried to download .deb files from the above website, chmod them ...

Synology Drive Database apparently didn't move completely

2024年4月29日 — If that's not too helpful, install the following package and run the app NCDU at the shell in the directory you wan tto know individual file ...

ncdu import · Issue #169 · zevvduc

2017年1月8日 — ncdu is a nice disk usage utility that has the option to store a file with all the size information. I installed it on a synology NAS using just ...

hard drive

2015年1月21日 — NCDU is the closest I can find. Works really well though. Simple to use as you only have to copy the file to the diskstation, then terminal ...

Find the largest file in a Synology NAS drive

2016年4月5日 — To make it scan your folders faster, without using network, You can install ncdu on your Synology NAS directly, and then run it through an SSH ...

How do I install CLI tools from the Linux world?

2023年8月4日 — I found some CLI tools available from synocommunity which is great. There are some additional ones though that I'd like.

Better app to show disk usage

2018年8月26日 — It shows total disk space and available disk space. If you want to see which folder takes up how much space. Use storage analyzer (Synology app ...